Sam and Milo, The first book in the Super Sexual Sadist Sam Series: The Magical Cock Fuck by Chisto Healy

Sam is a sexual sadist that gets off on the most vile and depraved sexual acts you could possibly think of doing to someone. He records all of his sessions and uploads them to the dark web. He commits these acts in a secluded cabin that also happens to be where his sexual awakening first started.

Sam takes us on a real life GTA fueled adventure, fucking everything that crosses his path. He’s a quirky and matter-of-fact character that’s completely unhinged. His entire essence revolves around creating new holes to fuck his way into, while the pina colada song is on loop, completely fulfilling his desires.

Eventually, things take a turn for Sam but he’s always got a plan in place, when things go wrong.

Chisto is a fucking legend. He absolutely obliterated my brain with this one. I can’t wait for Sam’s next adventure!

-a message for Chisto: thank you for the dedication. This book was everything and more. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life after reading this crazy book. Danielle Yvonne and I had so much fun talking about this after we got to read it. It had us too wired to sleep and craving more from Sam. 😂😂 the urge to call someone Mr. Cum-socket is strong.

Everyone needs to read this book the moment it drops! It’s a fuckin masterpiece. Pre-orders should be up now on Amazon.

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